As 2025 begins, I figured it was time to give my personal website a much-needed refresh. A new year feels like the perfect excuse to make it more relevant to my work.

When it comes to personal sites, I wanted something lightweight, easy to set up, and most importantly, zero maintenance. While platforms like Framer and Webflow are undeniably slick, their price tags had me hesitating. Enter Carrd—a platform I stumbled upon almost by accident (thanks, Reddit!).

What drew me in was its simplicity. The templates reminded me of those minimalistic digital business card sites that were everywhere a few years back. No fluff, just clean, functional design. Best of all, it seemed like I could go from zero to a finished site in just a few hours. For someone who didn’t want to sink days into rebuilding their online presence, it was exactly what I was looking for.

The site it replaced had served me well for nearly a decade. I remember it being a pivotal factor when I landed my role at Premio—it was something that made me stand out from other candidates at the time. But after 10 years, it was definitely showing its age.

If you’ve ever thought about creating a personal website but felt daunted by the effort or cost, there’s never been a better time to dive in. Platforms like Carrd make it incredibly easy and affordable—currently they have plans starting at just €9 a year! Whether you’re job hunting, showcasing your work, or simply want a space online to call your own, a personal website is still one of the best ways to stand out in today’s digital world.

I have a referral link for Carrd here if you're interested in checking them out.

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