Web Developer Monthly - October 2018

Web Developer Monthly October 2018

Oct 2018




Welcome to another Web Developer Monthly. This month's edition contains some awesome JavaScript tips, great CSS tutorials and the odd bit of news from the .net frontend world to get your juices flowing. If you've spotted anything you'd like me to share for the next Web Developer Monthly let me know in the comments below or reach out to me on Twitter. Enjoy!

.Net, C#, CSS

Display pinned tabs on a separate line in Visual Studio

#FridayDevTip - display pinned tabs on a separate line in Visual Studio


One of the first things I do when setting up my Visual Studio environment is to set up pinned tabs so they display on a new line.

It helps to visually separate out your tabs and gives your unpinned tabs more screen real estate which can only be a good thing when working in large environments where you'd have 30-40+ tabs opened at a time.

Always have a backup strategy

#FridayDevTip - Always have a backup strategy

You know the scenario - you've worked through the night on a project that the boss needs first thing in the morning. It's 3am and you save your work locally on your PC. You decide not to check the work into your GIT repository or to copy the files into your Dropbox folder. You shut down the pc and go to sleep. A few hours later you wake up, go to fire up the PC and then....nothing.

How does technology know to fail on us when we need it most?!

Web Developer Monthly - September 2018

Web Developer Monthly September 2018

Sept 2018




Welcome to another Web Developer Monthly. This month's edition contains some awesome JavaScript tips, great CSS tutorials and inspirational CodePens to get your juices flowing. If you've spotted anything you'd like me to share for the next Web Developer Monthly let me know in the comments below or reach out to me on Twitter. Enjoy!



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