Richard Reddy

Richard Reddy

Cork, Ireland Website X/Twitter
142 posts
Web Developer Monthly - January 2019

Web Developer Monthly - January 2019

Happy New Year and welcome to another Web Developer Monthly. To kick things off for 2019 this month's edition contains the definitive website performance checklist, links to download Visual Studio 2019, a tool to auto remove backgrounds from your images and more. If you've spotted anything...

2018 - My year in review

2018 - My year in review

This year I decided to try and get back to blogging a bit more in an effort to help track my own progress for things that I've learned throughout the year and also as a way to help others out. To help me focus on writing on a...

The simplest way to take a screenshot in Windows 10

The simplest way to take a screenshot in Windows 10

Most of the time when you want to take a screenshot you probably use the Snipping Tool built into Windows or another third party program like Greenshot but did you know that if you're using Windows 10 (creators edition or greater) you can take a screenshot by simply...

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