gets a new look

I've gone with a new theme on my blog to help give it more of a modern look. This theme is a relatively new one for BlogEngine so it looks a bit fresher than some of the other themes out there.

Out of the box this theme had a few bits wrong with it that I needed to patch up - mainly the 'comments form' section. The CSS was missing a few classes for the form so the 'Comment' 'Preview' tabs were a bit all over the place in IE. Still, it beats coming up with a new design from scratch - and it was free - so I'm not complaining :)

I also took the chance to upgrade my BlogEngine software to the latest version. This upgrade was so easy to do. Just run one database query and upload the files. That's it! I think it's the easiest upgrade I've ever made!!

I have some new posts about jquery and C# coming in the next few weeks that I'm currently busy writing up. If you have any suggestions for articles to write over the next few months feel free to get in touch.

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